Governance, Risk & Compliance

Defending the interests of our customers in the application of financial transparency in its banking hiring

Digital Compliance

Setting and deploying compliance models in the digital and technological environment

Penal Compliance

Design and implementation of effective prevention models in order to avoid crimes within companies

AML Compliance

Specialized advisory in the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism
Governance, Risk & Compliance
Complia is the partner skilled and with experience that aid at his corporate customers (companies and institutions), for the implementation of effective systems of control of risks and prevention of crimes.

Compliance Digital

Complete adaptation at the new legislation at matter of data protection (GDPR).
Law of Kicks of the Society of the Information and of the Electronic Trade.
Management of the risk of the corporate information.
Advice at workers and employers at judicial processes front computer attacks, robbery of information, conversations or pitches of emails and chats.
Management of digital certificates about the Law of Electronic Signature.
Advice at the elaboration of contracts LSA.
Miquel Fortuny Complia CEO
image/svg+xml openQuots We are a multidisciplinary team, with a high qualification and professional experience, demonstrated and proven, with a multisectoral vision of all types of companies and organizations. Used to work hard, involved with our clients and results oriented. image/svg+xml closeQuots

Penal Compliance

We advise at prevention of penal risks and prevention of the commission of crimes diagnosing and assessing the principal penal risks.

PBC Compliance

We advise our customers about the prevention of bleaching of capitals and the implementation of systems and effective models to control the fulfillment of the valid rule.


If you wants to get information about our company, offers, fairs stands and innovation at fabrication of medical bags, do not doubt at subscribing at our community.


Guía de teletrabajo
Guía de teletrabajo
Guía de teletrabajo, abril 2020.
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Primacía de la libertad de expresión e información sobre la ley de protección de datos personales
Primacía de la libertad de expresión e información sobre la ley de protección de datos personales
Sentencia de la Audiencia Nacional N.º 525/2020 de 31 de enero de 2020.

El pasado 31 de enero de 2020, la Sala de lo Contencioso de la Audiencia Nacional (“AN”) dictó sentencia en materia de protección de datos y libertad de expresión, muy en particular, acerca de si el gestor de un motor de búsqueda debe o no adoptar las medidas necesarias para evitar que el nombre de un particular se vincule con resultados que contienen información sobre supuestas irregularidades en su actividad profesional.
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Píldoras formativas | Carpetas personales
Píldoras formativas | Carpetas personales
Píldoras formativas | Carpetas personales
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